Sunday, May 1, 2011

I'm back, mudda-fucka!!

Well, that whole Hospital World thing really didn't work out, and um, my slum apartment was raided by both the BATF and DEA for drugs and weapons (of course I was innocent....), and, um, oh yeah, they busted me for the whole "death card" thing, so um, I just finished a four year stint at the State Prison.  Actually my sentence was 25 years, but they let me out on good behavior.

Anyhoo, that is a chapter in my life that I'd rather forget about...

My apartment was eventually taken over by the landlord, who discovered the toxic shit I had been storing, so the entire complex was condemned and torn down.  Along with that went everything I owned.  All 4 shirts and 2 pairs of beach baggies.  Fucking gone.  And my flip-flops.  You just don't throw away a man's flip-flops.  That shit aint right.