Friday, January 4, 2008

I, Dog.....

OK - so you know how they say that a man and his dog are one and the same? Well, I morphed myself and my bulldog today, and WTF - it's true. I am my dog.

Now before you pundits and other assorted kooks start throwing out "man on dog sex" slams, you must know that my dog fucking ROCKS. Yeah, he pretty much just lays on the couch all day, trying to figure out how he could lick his own balls. This no regular, run of the mill dog. He has crazy mad skillz. For example, he can eat very, very well. He can whine like a little bitch when he's been outside too long. He can sleep with his tongue handing out and still manage to drool on the couch.

......but then again, so can I.

1 comment:

. said...

OMG, he meets the exact job description criteria for a hospital CEO:

"Can eat very, very well. Can whine like a little bitch when in the office too long. Can sleep with tongue hanging out and still manage"

Maybe this dog could be interim Grande CEO while Rainey is locked up