Tuesday, August 14, 2007


DAMN.... This orientation stuff is hard. Back when I signed on as a dive boat Captain, my orientation lasted a whole 5 minutes, 3 of which consisted of me watching the boat owner cough and hack up a lung while he smoked what I thought was probably going to be his last Marlboro. I'm so damned tired after only 1 day of orientation. But thats not the point. Check it out - I've been issued my own software. Hopefully there will be a computer somewhere to use it on. That Bill Gates is one smart mo-fo. He can package anything to sell, even in this Hospital located in the ghetto.

Fo' shizzle............

1 comment:

. said...


Charlene Crabass here. Glad you got oriented. Now to work.

Someone crapped on my desk. I think it's Lola. I think Cherry is covering it up. I think buckethead is probably just laughing her ass off and doing nothing.

Can you start an investigation?

PS: Someone defaced my kitty cat calendar too.