Thursday, August 2, 2007

I Am Not An Animal........

I Am Not An Animal........................... I.............AM.......................A.....................MAN!!!!

Ah, the immortal words of the Elephant Man. Just makes me feel all funny and fuzzy inside to see that the world is full or irony, regardless of the status of my particular inebreation (or today, at least, the lack thereof).

A funny thing has happened; for some reason I received a telephone call from the Employee Health Nurse at this Hospital I've applied to, telling me that I maybe I needed to set up an appointment with an Obstetritian, and that I need to clear this up before we can talk about a job. Figuring this to be some sort of bluff or negotiating tactic that these here big corporations are famous for, I stated that I needed to hear something from them soon in regards to a job offer, as I was currently entertaining serious offers to put my Captains license to work, Skippering a liveaboard dive boat in the Bahamas. And you know what, the lady said the damnest thing. She said, "I don't think you'll be doing much diving anytime soon in your motherly condition." Now what the hell is that supposed to mean? She could have just as easily have said "Gooney-Goo-Goo" and I would have at least have had a better understanding. Maybe she just speaks jive - I hear that this Hospital is somewhere in the ghetto.......

Anyhoo, the CEO's office called and asked me if I had a recent photograph that I could send. The CEO is apparently one of the "beautiful people" and thus wants to surround herself with such. I'm not much on photographs, but I was able to make a copy of the photograph on my Captain's License.

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